790 research outputs found

    On an Airy matrix model with a logarithmic potential

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    The Kontsevich-Penner model, an Airy matrix model with a logarithmic potential, may be derived from a simple Gaussian two-matrix model through a duality. In this dual version the Fourier transforms of the n-point correlation functions can be computed in closed form. Using Virasoro constraints, we find that in addition to the parameters tnt_n, which appears in the KdV hierarchies, one needs to introduce here half-integer indices tn/2t_{n/2} . The free energy as a function of those parameters may be obtained from these Virasoro constraints. The large N limit follows from the solution to an integral equation. This leads to explicit computations for a number of topological invariants.Comment: 35 page

    Intersection numbers of Riemann surfaces from Gaussian matrix models

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    We consider a Gaussian random matrix theory in the presence of an external matrix source. This matrix model, after duality (a simple version of the closed/open string duality), yields a generalized Kontsevich model through an appropriate tuning of the external source. The n-point correlation functions of this theory are shown to provide the intersection numbers of the moduli space of curves with a p-spin structure, n marked points and top Chern class. This sheds some light on Witten's conjecture on the relationship with the pth-KdV equation

    Intersection theory from duality and replica

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    Kontsevich's work on Airy matrix integrals has led to explicit results for the intersection numbers of the moduli space of curves. In this article we show that a duality between k-point functions on NĂ—NN\times N matrices and N-point functions of kĂ—kk\times k matrices, plus the replica method, familiar in the theory of disordered systems, allows one to recover Kontsevich's results on the intersection numbers, and to generalize them to other models. This provides an alternative and simple way to compute intersection numbers with one marked point, and leads also to some new results

    Universal relation between Green's functions in random matrix theory

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    We prove that in random matrix theory there exists a universal relation between the one-point Green's function GG and the connected two- point Green's function GcG_c given by \vfill N^2 G_c(z,w) = {\part^2 \over \part z \part w} \log (({G(z)- G(w) \over z -w}) + {\rm {irrelevant \ factorized \ terms.}} This relation is universal in the sense that it does not depend on the probability distribution of the random matrices for a broad class of distributions, even though GG is known to depend on the probability distribution in detail. The universality discussed here represents a different statement than the universality we discovered a couple of years ago, which states that a2Gc(az,aw)a^2 G_c(az, aw) is independent of the probability distribution, where aa denotes the width of the spectrum and depends sensitively on the probability distribution. It is shown that the universality proved here also holds for the more general problem of a Hamiltonian consisting of the sum of a deterministic term and a random term analyzed perturbatively by Br\'ezin, Hikami, and Zee.Comment: 34 pages, macros appended (shorts, defs, boldchar), hard figures or PICT figure files available from: [email protected]

    An Extension of Level-spacing Universality

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    Dyson's short-distance universality of the correlation functions implies the universality of P(s), the level-spacing distribution. We first briefly review how this property is understood for unitary invariant ensembles and consider next a Hamiltonian H = H_0+ V , in which H_0 is a given, non-random, N by N matrix, and V is an Hermitian random matrix with a Gaussian probability distribution. n-point correlation function may still be expressed as a determinant of an n by n matrix, whose elements are given by a kernel K(λ,μ)K(\lambda,\mu) as in the H_0=0 case. From this representation we can show that Dyson's short-distance universality still holds. We then conclude that P(s) is independent of H_0.Comment: 12 pages, Revte

    Computing topological invariants with one and two-matrix models

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    A generalization of the Kontsevich Airy-model allows one to compute the intersection numbers of the moduli space of p-spin curves. These models are deduced from averages of characteristic polynomials over Gaussian ensembles of random matrices in an external matrix source. After use of a duality, and of an appropriate tuning of the source, we obtain in a double scaling limit these intersection numbers as polynomials in p. One can then take the limit p to -1 which yields a matrix model for orbifold Euler characteristics. The generalization to a time-dependent matrix model, which is equivalent to a two-matrix model, may be treated along the same lines ; it also yields a logarithmic potential with additional vertices for general p.Comment: 30 pages, added references, changed conten

    Universal Spectral Correlation between Hamiltonians with Disorder

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    We study the correlation between the energy spectra of two disordered Hamiltonians of the form Ha=H0a+saφH_a=H_{0a}+s_{a}\varphi (a=1,2a=1,2) with H0aH_{0a} and φ\varphi drawn from random distributions. We calculate this correlation function explicitly and show that it has a simple universal form for a broad class of random distributions.Comment: 9 pages, Jnl.tex Version 0.3 (version taken from the bulletin board), NSF-ITP-93-13

    Universal correlations for deterministic plus random Hamiltonians

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    We consider the (smoothed) average correlation between the density of energy levels of a disordered system, in which the Hamiltonian is equal to the sum of a deterministic H0 and of a random potential φ\varphi. Remarkably, this correlation function may be explicitly determined in the limit of large matrices, for any unperturbed H0 and for a class of probability distribution P(φ)(\varphi) of the random potential. We find a compact representation of the correlation function. From this representation one obtains readily the short distance behavior, which has been conjectured in various contexts to be universal. Indeed we find that it is totally independent of both H0 and P(φ\varphi).Comment: 26P, (+5 figures not included

    Correlations between eigenvalues of large random matrices with independent entries

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    We derive the connected correlation functions for eigenvalues of large Hermitian random matrices with independently distributed elements using both a diagrammatic and a renormalization group (RG) inspired approach. With the diagrammatic method we obtain a general form for the one, two and three-point connected Green function for this class of ensembles when matrix elements are identically distributed, and then discuss the derivation of higher order functions by the same approach. Using the RG approach we re-derive the one and two-point Green functions and show they are unchanged by choosing certain ensembles with non-identically distributed elements. Throughout, we compare the Green functions we obtain to those from the class of ensembles with unitary invariant distributions and discuss universality in both ensemble classes.Comment: 23 pages, RevTex, hard figures available from [email protected]

    Characteristic polynomials of random matrices at edge singularities

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    We have discussed earlier the correlation functions of the random variables \det(\la-X) in which XX is a random matrix. In particular the moments of the distribution of these random variables are universal functions, when measured in the appropriate units of the level spacing. When the \la's, instead of belonging to the bulk of the spectrum, approach the edge, a cross-over takes place to an Airy or to a Bessel problem, and we consider here these modified classes of universality. Furthermore, when an external matrix source is added to the probability distribution of XX, various new phenomenons may occur and one can tune the spectrum of this source matrix to new critical points. Again there are remarkably simple formulae for arbitrary source matrices, which allow us to compute the moments of the characteristic polynomials in these cases as well.Comment: 22 pages, late
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